News Reef

DECA SUCCESS. The student store general managers have certified our store as a Gold-Level SBE (school-based enterprise).  Clara Sun, Katie Freshwater, and Yarrow Cox will now compete at the International DECA competition in Atlanta at the end of April.  In order to obtain our gold-level status, these students had to meet certain business standards and create a 25-page operations and procedure manual, which was particularly impressive this year since they had to start from scratch.

BLACK LIVES MATTER AT SCHOOL. This week: February 7 – 11, 2022 is Black Lives Matter in Schools week, a Seattle based program that seeks to teach students about the 13 guiding principles of the Black Lives Matter movement. On February 8, 2022 the first principle, restorative justice, will be discussed in 2nd period.

SPRING SPORTS. Plan on attending an informational meeting on Friday, Feb. 11.  Listen to the morning announcements for more info coming soon.  

PRESIDENTIAL SERVICE AWARD. If you have done a lot of volunteering between March 1, 2021, and now, you may be eligible for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Check Ms. Stephens’ last all-student email or the home page of the College & Career site for details. This award is not automatic; you must apply, and all of your hours must be turned in.

THE NEW STORMRAY LOGO. Logo designs need to be submitted by this Friday, Feb. 11. 

SCHOOL-DAY SAT. Juniors, mark your calendars. On Wednesday, March 2 – early release Wednesday – you will be able to take the SAT for free during class time. This test is paid for by the district for all grade 11 students. 

MASK UP. Wearing a mask at school is required and has been proven to slow the spread of COVID.  Please remember to keep it over your mouth and nose while in the building. 

CODING CLUB MEETS MONDAYS. Do you want to learn how to code? Do you want to learn about different computer science careers and fields? Don’t know where to start? Then, head on over to Sparks, the computer science club. All levels of experience, and anyone and everyone is welcome to learn some coding. We will always have a short, yet interesting and fun coding project of focus, and it is a great way to meet some other coders in the school. If you are interested email us at [email protected], or come to meetings in Room 2105 (Mr. Fleischman’s room) during Monday lunch to start! Bring a friend, and hope to see you there.