Jackie and Shadow, the now-famous eagles of California’s…Big Bear Valley, have been closely monitored this past month as students and teachers waited for their latest eggs to hatch.
After losing all three eggs last year, the avian couple did not lose hope. The proud parents’ first egg this season hatched on March 3 followed by a second egg on March 4. Students and teachers waited anxiously to see if the third egg would hatch. On March 6, the third egg finally hatched.
Since all the eggs have hatched, Jackie and Shadow have been switching duties taking care of their newborns while the other goes off to find food. The young eaglets have been fine dining with a classic fish or duck entree for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Per tradition, the newborns will soon be named by the third graders of Big Bear Valley. Until the names have been decided we eagerly await while watching the live cam.
On March 15 there was a snowstorm and one of the babies didn’t make it. The baby’s parents remained to keep taking care of their other two newborn eaglets.
Teachers throughout Shorewood have been showing the progress of these amazing birds in their classrooms throughout SAS via Big Bear’s livestream on Youtube. Jackie and Shadow provide an environment where students and teachers can look forward to something throughout the week. At times, the livestream was watched by tens of thousands of viewers worldwide.
Profe Stoker has been watching Jackie and Shadow for a few years now. Her favorite part about watching them is that they bring her joy, she said. Stoker believes that watching Jackie and Shadow can definitely be educational. Since she has been watching, she has learned more about wildlife and geographical weather patterns as well as the cycle of life. Stoker feels that the Eagles are “definitely educational.” She finds that although it is geographically educational as to the weather patterns, it is also “important to understand the cycle of life and that it is all a part of nature.” Although there are times when the eggs don’t hatch or a baby doesn’t make it, she makes sure to stay positive and looks forward to watching the other babies.
Profe Chelimer has only just this year started to actively watch the eagle nest. “I just started watching them this February, but I’ve been watching them in Profe Stoker’s room across the hall for a few years now,” Chelimer said. Chelimer continues to make sure to watch the birds often. “I like to check on them… It has become part of my daily routine,” Chelimer said. Chelimer believes that people are actively looking for optimism and that people need good news. “ When we figured out that the eggs were hatching I was thrilled. I’m excited to see those little babies flying around,” Chelimer said. Chelimer believes that everyone needs something exciting in their lives and Jackie and Shadow have filled that need for many.
Watching the growth can be happy and seeing the baby pass was very sad, but remembering that the eagles are trying their best is all they can do. The nest in Big Bear Valley, California has become important to many people and has helped with hardship. Sometimes stepping out of one’s own life and taking a second to look for something that gives one optimism is all someone needs to get through a rough day.
Fun Facts:
- Jackie is bigger than Shadow. Most fully grown females are bigger than males.
- Jackie has a tendency to lay three eggs each year (average is two).
- Jackie’s parents were the first ones watched.
- Jackie and Shadow built a nest near Jackie’s parents’ nest, where a camera was later placed to monitor them.
- The average body temperature for an eagle is 105º F. This is how Jackie and Shadow are able to keep their babies warm through the cold seasons.
- Bald eagles have water-resistant feathers due to their natural oils. This keeps them warm, healthy, and better able to protect them and their offspring in colder climates.
If you would like to tune into the lives of Jackie and Shadow, please click the link below to view the full live feed of their nest on YouTube.