In every sport, there are exemplary athletes. What makes them exemplary differs from athlete to athlete.
And with the winter sports season on its way to wrapping up, let’s highlight some of Shorewood’s exemplary athletes for the season.
First is boys’ basketball, and for Shorewood’s team, what makes an exemplary athlete is, “Have the confidence to know that if you mess up it doesn’t matter, a next-play mentality, you can’t really live in the past cause everyone is going to make mistakes, things are going to happen during the games, you just got to move on,” says Evan Butler, senior, boys basketball captain.
When asked who he would highlight as an exemplary player from the season he highlighted sophomore, Kevin Camberonero. “I learned a lot from [Butler],” said Cameronero. Camberonero believes that “Bringing the energy every single practice and game and basically playing the game the right way,” is key to being an exemplary player.
Next, girls’ basketball believes that an exemplary athlete is, “Someone who has the ability to lift their teammates up even when they are feeling down… When they’re down on themselves they use that as an opportunity to lift everyone else up, and that really makes a good teammate,” according to Vanessa Spadafora, senior, girls basketball captain.
Both Spadafora and, fellow senior, girls’ basketball captain, Bridget Cox highlighted, senior, Clara Djohan as an exemplary athlete this season. “She’s new to the team, she moved from Indonesia last year. I feel like if that were me I would be timid or kind of scared, but she showed up with a really bubbly personality and she’s friends with the entire team and every time she messes up, she has a smile on her face…She has a smile that makes you want to smile,” says Spadafora.
Equally as important is boys and girls wrestling. It’s a tough sport and to be an exemplary wrestler at Shorewood you must, “Not only win but, win graciously and in the same breath if you lose, being able to come back from that, not letting it affect you. Mentality is a huge part of being an exemplary athlete because you can have all the tools physically… but what takes you to that next level is how your brain works with it,” says Ben Jenkins, senior, boys’ wrestling captain.
Highlighted from girls’ wrestling by senior, captain Izzie Crave, is freshman, Ulyana Remizova. “She broke her collarbone second match of the season and she’s still showing up to everything. She’s at every practice, she’s really trying to absorb everything she can. She’s not giving up, she’s still going to everything, every tournament, every meet, every match, she goes to all of it so that she can keep learning,” says Crave.
For boys’ wrestling, highlighted by captain Jenkins is freshman, Lukas Probizanski. “I’ve put in a lot of work over the season and going into the off-season I’m going to try to put in more work,” says Probizanski. Probizanski always tries to keep in mind, “You should try, there’s no point in doing something if you’re not going to do your best.”
Last but certainly not least is Shorewood’s boys’ swim and dive. To be a standout or exemplary swimmer on this team means having the mentality of, “Someone who can be pleasant even when things aren’t desirable or even if they lose a race and don’t do well and not care and be happy that they’re on the team,” says Arlon Campbell, senior, boys’ swim captain. Highlighted by captain Campbell is junior Huey Hoff. “It’s a lot about the community. So I find that having good spirits and making everybody happy, you got to be happy to make people feel like they want to be a part of the team, to make them want to come back next year,” says Hoff.
The key to being an exemplary athlete in any sport is a dedicated and positive mindset. We can’t wait to see who will be some of Shorewood’s exemplary athletes in the spring season!