Love may not be in the air come March, but pollen sure is. For people with allergies, spring may be the worst time of year. Not to mention how the month messes up our sleep schedules when it’s already rough as is. Though the flowers may be pretty and the temperatures may rise, March is the worst month out of all 12. Allergies (again), losing an hour of sleep, the weather changing, the lack of breaks from school, and an overall sense of dread, make up the list of reasons why March, quite simply, sucks.
I personally have a runny nose year-round but come spring, no one is safe. The dryness in the air and the roads being dusted with pollen leads to coughing and sneezing. The heat causes an increase in pollen which leads to seasonal allergies caused by pollen. Spring allergies or allergic rhinitis are caused by these increased pollen levels.
In 2025, spring will be the worst it has ever been. “With warmer temperatures, comes an increase in spring pollen levels,” according to Emily L Weis MD and Katherine L Tuttle MD, through an article published through the University of Rochester Medical Center. The increase in pollen leads to intense allergies, which in turn strengthens the symptoms of allergies. Although there isn’t medicine that could collectively solve all of our problems during this month, I do think there’s a way to improve it. March, spring, or just the entire year may not be great for everyone. As stressful as the March madness may be, there are still ways people can stay in control. To combat losing an hour of sleep come March 9, you can set a timer for when you go to bed and continue to set it 15 minutes earlier until you wake up at the same time as your alarm. This will make you feel more well-rested. If that seems like too much of a commitment, you could also voice your opinions on the Sunshine Protection Act. There isn’t much traction for the bill as of right now but Daylight Savings time only really affects us two days in the year so don’t let it tarnish the other 363.
For allergies, I have consulted my doctor and found a solution that works. If you don’t have that luxury, let your teacher know they should keep a box of tissues in class and make sure you are also carrying tissues. Make sure to cover all sneezes, wash your hands, and stay home when sick. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water, hot beverages, and soup to avoid drying out your throat. Just because there aren’t breaks from school doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself time to relax. Set aside at least 30 minutes per day for a cozy, mindless activity such as reading, watching a show, coloring, or anything inattentive that doesn’t involve scrolling through social media. School may be stressful, but you deserve time for yourself.
Even though we can’t fix March, we can fix how we feel and fix how we act. Also, the flowers are pretty cool I guess.