It’s that time of year again. Class registration is in full swing, and you might find yourself with an extra spot or two to fill. The plethora of electives that Shorewood offers can be overwhelming, but this article will cover a bunch of classes that might pique your interest. Remember to keep the graduation requirement credits in mind when choosing your classes and that signing up for a class doesn’t automatically guarantee you a spot. So, without further ado, here are eight electives that you should consider.
Let’s start with some more common popular electives. These are notoriously difficult to get into based on high demand, but that’s due to them being such interesting classes! They’re a little more creative and hands-on, so if you’re someone who gets tired of sitting in one spot all day, these electives are a great break to add to your schedule.
Automotive Technology – IND 641
First off, Auto Tech. During high school, a lot of students learn how to drive a car. But what about fixing it? How does one even change a tire? Or check the oil? If you want to know basic automotive skills, then Auto Tech is the class for you. Junior Harper Emanuel, who is taking Auto Tech 1 this semester, emphasizes the importance of these skills. “[This class] is something I can apply to everyday life because a lot of people drive cars, so it’s good to know how to repair them,” Emanuel said. This semester-long class also dives deeper into the inner workings of vehicles, like the brakes, engine, and electrical components.
Jewelry Metals – ART 721
If you like hands-on work but something as large and complex as a car seems intimidating, you might want to try Jewelry Metals. During this semester you’ll get to learn how to make items like coins and earrings. Junior Braelyn Sams, a student who recently took Jewelry Metals, says she enjoyed the projects. “My favorite part was the ring-making towards the end of the class,” Sams said. If you’ve ever wanted to try metalworking, consider Jewelry Metals as your next elective!
Walking & Yoga – GYM 441
Ever wished you could skip class and wander around instead? Well, Walking and Yoga provides that experience. In Walking and Yoga, you’ll get to take walks both on and off campus, sometimes to places like Starbucks. Micah Crose, a junior who has taken the class, says, “It’s a really good cooldown after a big day… you’re able to actually get all your steps in and still chat with your friends.” If you struggle with getting exercise after school, this is a great way to ensure some movement, while still having a chill period. Another aspect to acknowledge is that this is a great non-competitive PE class, so if you’re not a fan of sports, this is the perfect way to get your credits and get moving!
Cuisines & Cultures – HEC 441
Do you want to get the chance to cook and eat food during school? Whether you’ve cooked a million dishes or can barely cook an egg, Foods & Nutrition and Cuisines & Cultures are both unique classes that are open to all levels of expertise. As someone who’s taken both Foods & Nutrition and Cuisines & Cultures, I can attest that these are such great opportunities to learn essential skills. If you’re leaving for college and want to learn basic cooking skills before being thrown out on your own, you should certainly consider taking this class. Cuisines & Cultures differs from Foods & Nutrition as it offers more insight into the cultures where various foods come from, and you get to explore diverse tastes from countries all over the world.
Now, diving into some of the more niche electives. They’re usually career-oriented, giving insight and education in a specific area of study. Whether the subject just sounds interesting or you want to pursue a major in this field, consider taking one of these classes!
AP African American Studies –
SOC 671
Starting with one of Shorewood’s newest electives: AP African American Studies. Lu Teklu, a junior in the class, explains, “You go through the same timeline as US History, but you go through a different lens… we also bring in a lot of outside African history, so we went through a bunch of empires of Africa and then a bunch of Southern American stuff on black culture which is really cool.” If these topics interest you, you should absolutely sign up. “It’s not as much work as it sounds like for an AP class, and I think that’s really nice if you’re interested in history… we definitely need more people to take it,” Teklu said.
Biotechnology –
SCI 221
Plenty of Shorewood students have never set foot in a laboratory and probably never plan to. But if you’re someone who finds lab work interesting, or if you’re considering a career in science or biology, Biotech offers the unique opportunity of a lab setting. Elaina Mergler, a senior who has taken Biotech, says, “I would recommend this for anyone who’s interested in science or is thinking about going into science because it gives you an idea of what it would be like in an actual laboratory.” So for any students interested in lab science, think about giving Biotech a try!
AP Environmental Science –
SCI 671
If you’re interested in the environment, agriculture, climate, and plants, then consider taking AP Environmental Science. Junior Shineun Moon describes the class curriculum – “We talk a lot about soil, and also about the development of agriculture and sustainability,” she said. In this class, which is only open to juniors and seniors, you’ll use some knowledge from biology and chemistry while learning about the impact of humans on the environment, among other subjects. Another similar option in this field of science is Atmospheric Science, which focuses more on climate change and weather.
Tempest & Horizon – ENG 541/VOC 631, ECR 151
For my final elective recommendation, I’d like to take the time to spotlight both the Newspaper and the Annual Yearbook classes. If you like writing, art, Adobe programs like InDesign, or taking photos, then consider joining the Tempest Newspaper or Horizon Yearbook! There is a huge range of skills you can apply to these classes, and personally, being a part of the newspaper has helped me become better at talking to students and teachers. The best part of this kind of class is getting to see your final work published and enjoyed by the student body.