The announcement that this year the Class of 2025’s graduation ceremony will take place at the Shoreline Stadium instead of the usual Angel of the Winds Arena has left some upset at the change.
Questions fill the halls from seniors wondering why the change and why not a different place.
With all of these speculations going around about graduation, it’s hard to tell what’s the truth and what’s false.
“It was awesome last year being at Angel of the Winds, watching graduation happen, and I think that if they got that sort of platform and the ability to be there with that many people and have that awesome experience then we should as well,” senior and ASB Vice President Ben Irish said.
With the knowledge that all of the years before and after them will get to have their graduations at the Angel of the Winds Arena, the Class of 2025 is somewhat disappointed with this fact.
While it is true that graduation this year is going to happen at the Shoreline Stadium, it is not due to budget cuts as many suggest.
No time slots at Angel of the Winds
The reason that graduation isn’t happening at the Angel of the Winds Arena is that all of the time slots that Shorewood could’ve gotten for graduation were already filled up around the dates chosen.
The dates of graduation have also changed in respect for the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha, which is June 6 to June 7.
Therefore, the 2025 graduation will take place on June 10 for Shorewood and June 11 for Shorecrest so as to not conflict with the holiday.
“We have shifted to these dates in observance of the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha, so as not to conflict with important religious and cultural events for our Muslim students, staff, and families. Angel of the Winds Arena and all other local, large-scale indoor venues are unavailable on these dates,” District Public Information Officer Rachel Belfield said via email.
Financial and accessibility benefits
While this decision did not happen because of budget cuts, it does help the Shoreline School District save money by not using a third-party venue, according to Belfield.
Not only does this help in cost savings, but it also makes graduation much more accessible for graduates’ families and friends.
“Using our own stadium also presents significant cost savings over renting a third-party venue. It’s nearby and easily accessible for families, and the 185th Street light rail station can offer even more access to those traveling in from around the region,” Belfield said.
With the Shoreline Stadium being right across the freeway from the light-rail station, families who don’t live in Shoreline can easily access graduation without the pain of fighting for a parking spot or wasting gas on a long drive.
Students have mixed feelings
So, graduation is cost-efficient for both the district and for families, but what does graduation at the stadium mean for Shorewood graduates?
With graduation now occurring outside, like many other school ceremonies, the fears that coincide with it are reasonable.
“I think that it is going to be harder to fit as many people considering how many people we had there last year (at graduation),” says Irish.
ASB President Nehemiah Daniel is optimistic yet the new location is not his preference.
“I understand things happen… and I still think regardless that it is going to be a good graduation but I would prefer it to be where it usually is,” Daniel said.
While some seniors are disappointed with the outcome of the placement of graduation, they understand that the only thing that can be done is to make the most out of it.