Lots know the scene. You pull into the Shorewood parking lot just before the 7:50 a.m. bell and the hunt for a spot begins.
You only have about 10 minutes until class, but you’re now stuck behind a sedan struggling to back into a spot.
Seven minutes now until class and you now go to where you usually park but to your absolute horror it’s taken, just five minutes until class and you’re now scrambling to get a spot, anything would do.
Once you do get a spot, you’re late for class, and off to a mediocre start to the day.
Wendi Lynagh, business manager, says a total of 270 parking passes are sold, a few more than the around 250 allocated student spots.
The reasoning is not every person with a parking pass is going to go to school every day, or drive their own car with a parking pass every day. But what many students are experiencing is a shortage of parking spots or a greater number of cars.
One of the major questions being floated around the Shorewood parking pass world is whether underclassmen are getting parking passes.
The simple answer is no, the business office refuses to sell to underclassmen. So if an underclassman were to get a parking pass they aren’t getting them legitimately.
Security monitor Stace Sprinkle and the Business Office says students with a parking pass are prohibited from “sharing, altering, defacing, selling or duplicating passes.”
Essentially the parking pass has to stay in the hands of the buyer. (No supposed underclassman with a pass was willing to respond).
Although another emerging problem is this: are those without parking passes parking in the parking lot? These could be underclassmen, or upperclassmen without a permit. The numbered pass is meant to be “placed in the upper left corner of the windshield (above and to the left of the steering wheel) facing out.”
But a simple stroll through the parking lot tells you there are lots of cars without said sticker, and cars without said sticker lacking punishment.
And in theory, we follow a four- offense system.
A solution to the ongoing problems doesn’t look like it’s coming any time soon. Sophomores wanting to park in the main Shorewood lot and upperclassmen being disgruntled with them are just natural reactions.
1st Offense – Written warning/sticker on vehicle
2nd Offense – Fine of $5/sticker on vehicle
3rd Offense – Fine of $10/sticker on vehicle
4th Offense – Vehicle booted – $40 boot removal fine, loss of parking pass privileges