Students and teachers are preparing for the winter season, donning puffer coats and flannels. This time of year can be a never-ending flurry of confusion. As many students layer their clothes to stay warm during this time, some students may be using this time to improve their fashion, as well as trying to stay cool and comfortable during this chilly season.
What do you wear to stay warm and look good?
Madi Henifin (senior): “Probably sweaters which I need to wear more often, the big puffer coats are cute.”
Naomi Tekie (junior): “Have you seen those big puffer coats? Oh or the skim’s long sleeves?”
Zihan Li (freshman): “Jackets(gestures towards her zip-up coat) and pants, cargo pants maybe.”
Elena Warwick (junior): “During the winter? Okay, so I really like jeans, baggy jeans because I think they’re more comfortable.”
Who or What is your biggest fashion inspiration?
Henifin: “There’s this girl on social media named Jasmine Le. She inspires me because she just dresses however she wants.”
Li: “I want to buy coquette clothing but I don’t really have it.”
What is most important when making an outfit?:
Clel Howard (sophomore): “I always have to match my shoes to my tops.”
What’s your process for picking out outfits?
Howard: “Some days are more exciting than others.”
Warwick: “Like jeans and a sweater, or leggings, and a sweater I don’t know. I’ll usually try to dress up like once a week.”
How would you describe your style?
Li: “I kind of just buy the stuff that I like and I don’t really have a consistent style.”
Tekie: “If I were to choose, I’d go Y2K”(Y2K is an aesthetic as of 2020 inspired by 2000s fashion though sometimes it is changed to be more modern.”)
What season is your favorite for dressing up?
Henifin: “Honestly I like the wintertime because I like to layer and I can’t really layer as much in the summertime because it’s hotter.”
Li: “When it’s not too hot and not too cold.”
Warwick: “Fall! Fall is the best, I get to wear more things during early fall because I can wear a sweater with a skirt.”
What’s one thing that you’d like to say to people about fashion in general?
Tekie: “Just be who you are with your fashion…your fashion should be what you like.”
Henifin: “Just dressing how you want to dress…when I dress how I want to dress I genuinely have a better day.”