Tired, out of breath, and bored of the sights around you, you make your way down from the third floor. Once reaching the second, you struggle to push through the groups of people crowding the halls. Finally making it through, you immediately feel at ease once reaching the first floor.
It almost feels unfair to rank the other floors against the first one. The first floor just has so much more to offer. If you aren’t going down to the first floor during nutrition break, what are you doing? The donuts and muffins alone are enough to make the first floor a clear winner. The student store also offers a variety of food and drinks, or for many it’s just a great place to hang out during passing periods and after school and socialize. If you have first period on the first floor you can leave the parking lot at 7:49 and still make it in on time. Having your last period on the first floor will allow you to get out of there as soon as it hits 2:35 and beat the traffic to get out of the parking lot.
The second floor offers the perfect mix of socialization and classes, making it still a good spot to have a class. It’s rare that you’ll come across someone complaining about having a class on the second floor.
The second floor really showcases a strong sense of community between the Stormrays. It’s a bonding experience, you’re encouraged to socialize with others due to your close vicinity. Many of us though are just trying to get to class and don’t feel like having to squeeze through all the underclassmen that hang out in the middle of the floor. The second floor still has a sense of originality. It has its fair share of posters and decorations, as well as teachers roaming the halls telling you when it’s time to get to class. While this gives the second floor its personality, it’s still not enough to make up for all that the first floor has to offer.
The third floor is without a doubt the worst floor out there. There is absolutely nothing about the floor that would make it worthy of being first. It is by far the blandest of the three floors. There is a serious lack of personality on the third floor, and it’s just not visually appealing.
Putting aside the aesthetics of the third floor, it simply is the most inconvenient floor to have a class on. No matter what period it is, you never want to have to face the never ending stairs to make it up to the third floor. If you manage to get up there on time, you show up to class out of breath and clearly disheveled from your hike up the stairs, which is not how anyone wants to be entering their class.
The first floor comes out on top in every category, it is definitely not a fair race. The second floor
Is doing its job, but it’s not exceeding the standard, which is what we’re looking for. To the teachers and students with classes on the third floor, I apologize. To those on the first floor, congratulations you won.