Euphoria: Are you ‘phor’ it?
Addressing the controversy around the new season of ‘Euphoria’
April 5, 2022
The show that hit every teenager in the heart and emphasized real-world problems that seemed ever so relatable, “Euphoria” turned into a highly popular show among many generations. Along with being the second most watched in the world, the show possesses many great and familiar artists, such as Jacob Elordi, Dominic Fike, Eric Dane, and Zendaya, which all together in my opinion make the show superior to many others.

Presented on the highly viewed TV network HBO, which many people know is best for their wild outlook of character development and storylines. Stunning their audience with the hard truth through scenes that could be described as unwatchable, and almost cringeworthy, “Euphoria” fit the mold perfectly, becoming widely popular. Now, I think that it is safe to say, from my experience, that “Euphoria” isn’t the most pleasing and fun show to watch. Presenting subjects and ideas that many people, especially teenagers in high school, go through, the show highlights mental health, abuse, and the heavy use of drugs, and in many ways exaggerates the use and outcome of these actions.
Due to this, “Euphoria” actors and directors have been gaining an immense amount of backlash after the release of season two this year. Although the show does speak heavily about the use of drugs, undoubtedly highlighting the raw outcome, many people have interpreted the true message of the show to be promoting drugs, making them look like fun, among other things. As a viewer of the show, the message presented the opposite outcome for me. Due to the raw acting and brutal consequences of drugs, such as overdose, manipulation, and the end result of being alone, the show puts me in the gravitational pull away from such ideas in taking drugs, and I think many would agree with me.
Rue, played by Zendaya, deals with addiction, depression, and her sexuality; these things shining light on genuine issues that many deal with on a regular basis. Zendaya, after receiving backlash, spoke out about the true intention of the show, and about how it was never her intention or the show’s intention to promote the use of drugs, but that the moral of the show was never intended to be kittens and smiles.
Along with backlash around the subject of drug use, the show has also been hit with controversy surrounding the subject of the extravagant wardrobe worn throughout the show, most of which is heavily revealing, and usually conveys the character’s note. Many viewers believe that the show is trying to sexualize the cast/characters to attract more attention to the program and make the women more vulnerable to the male characters we see in the show.
Now, numerous costumes worn by the popular characters definitely aren’t clothing you would normally see someone wearing on the street, but again the show is exaggerating all the elements and problems in the real world, and along with that comes the clothing. Along with the exaggeration of clothing, I seriously doubt that any other clothes would suit the immensely popular lead girl characters such as Maddy and Jules, and their wild and outgoing personalities they both uphold throughout the program.
Controversy aside, “Euphoria” is one of the best, raw shows highlighting the feelings and challenges of teenagers, slightly exaggerating factors, but making the show and the characters more believable and leaving you on the edge of your seat throughout the entirety of an episode.