Drip or Drown
Students discuss their fashion
December 7, 2021
As the weather gets colder and the familiar feel of winter sets in, Shorewood’s most stylish treat everyday like a fashion show. From holiday-inspired outfits, to more simple clothing choices, there’s never a dull moment for these iconic students. Seniors Ellie Larson, Holly Sha and Eli Bloom, and sophomore Levi Underwood discuss the many facets of drip.
Q: How would you define drip?
Ellie Larson: Drip is when someone looks really good and you look at them and you’re like WOW that’s drip.
Levi Underwood: If you really feel confident and you’re basing it off your own idealistic fashion sense then anything could be counted as drip.
Eli Bloom: [If] you’re rocking it then I don’t think there’s one concrete answer for what drip is.

Q: Where do you draw fashion inspiration from?
Holly Sha: I draw inspiration from vivisection wood and Japanese fashion.
Ellie: I love seeing other people dress how I want to dress and drawing inspiration from them.
Levi: The underground music scene that I follow is my biggest inspiration.
Eli: I take a lot of inspiration from what the Beatles wore, what Jimi Hendrix wore.

Q: What caused your style to evolve?
Eli: Realizing how ridiculous I looked.
Ellie: Not seeing people everyday let me think about what do I want to wear for me? I used that alone time to explore my fashion style.
Holly: Freshman and sophomore year I wanted to look like a cute anime chick, now my style is more like a rebellious teen.

Q: What is your process for putting together an outfit?
Ellie: I usually start with one piece I want to wear and then I think, ‘what do I have that would go good with that?’
Eli: There isn’t really a process. I never really plan it out or really think about it too much, I find what’s clean and if it looks good together then I just go with it.
Levi: I’ll find a shirt and jean combo and then I’ll find a pair of shoes that I like that go with it then I’ll see if I have any overcoats and hats and then I’ll add jewelry and accessories.

Q: How does it feel to be a fashion icon at Shorewood?
Ellie: I didn’t know I was, so it feels great!
Eli: Well I don’t really consider myself a fashion icon but I appreciate the kind words, it’s always nice to get complimented on your outfit.
Levi: It feels good, it’s cool to see that someone else is noticing and enjoying my clothes, I feel like it’s a part of me.
Holly: Feels good cause people look at me cause I look good.
Q:What advice would you give to someone who’s trying to develop their fashion sense?
Ellie: Wear whatever you want.
Eli: Get things that fit well and you’re able to look clean and tidy. That’s what you should aim for.
Levi: Make sure it screams “you.”