Fun and safe activities
April 1, 2021
You’re restless. A little bored. Ready for summer. Ready for your vaccine. Ready for something – anything – a little different. Here are a few ideas to bring a little variety to your spring.

- Jacob Lawrence: “The American Struggle” is a 30-panel series b at the Seattle Art Museum. Open on Fridays and weekends from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. until May 23. General admission for teens (15-18) is $12.99 and to see the gallery is an additional $7. But the price is completely worth it if you enjoy the dynamic cubism style or just want to see some art that highlights the African American, female, and Native experiences in America.
- Grab some coffee or an italian soda at Richmond Beach Coffee Co. to get some energy for a day of bowling down just a skip, hop and leap away at Spin Alley, now open.
- Sunset Hill Park is a great place to, well, catch the sunset. And in less than 20 minutes, if you know to take Greenwood Ave from Shorewood, you could be having a picnic with some of your best friends or that special someone and watch as the magic unfolds at around 7.30 p.m.
- Let’s get some blood pumping after sitting at home all day. It’s good to get outside in nature. Meadowdale Beach Park has a great 2.3 mile scenic hike down to the beach, where you can take a breath and admit how worthwhile the walk was.
- Now, it’s not everyday we have great weather for outside activities. So when those plans get washed down the gutter, Facetime movie dates are a great back up option. Make your favorite snacks together over the phone and go grab your laptop. Already seen everything? I got it covered. Here are a few new films that come out on Netflix just next month. ¨The Serpent” comes out April 2. “Thunder Force” on April 9 and the long awaited “Stowaway” is available on April 22.